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Our Advisory Board Members

The Santa Monica Corps advisory board consists of a wide spectrum of hard-working men and women who share in the vision to transform and restore lives in the city of Santa Monica.

Ross Pollack
Exec VP & Chief HR Officer
Lionsgate Entertainment
"“I fully endorse the mission and specifically the work that the SA is doing in Santa Monica to care for the homeless and under-served populations.""
Don Howarth
Howarth & Smith
"“To help the Salvation Army in its mission to serve the poor and spread the good news of the gospel of Christ.”"
Suzelle Smith
Howarth & Smith
"“Serving on the Board is one way I can support the work of the Army in connecting with and meeting some of the needs of the homeless and destitute""
Phil Brock
Council Member
City of Santa Monica
"“I serve on the Advisory Board because the “Army” serves our community and gives those in need the best chance to regain their quality of life.""
Kathryn Boole
Talent Manager
Studio Talent Group
"“The SA knows how to care for those less fortunate in reality, not just ideally, and their methods work to help people get back on their feet.”"
Ashley Sundquist
Chief Client Officer
The Sundquist Company
"“I am passionate about helping those experiencing homelessness, getting to know them, sharing local resources, and reminding them they are not alone.”"
Marc Verville
Retired Finance Executive
"“As a Santa Monica native and lifelong resident, I simply want to help make Santa Monica a better place for all its constituencies.”"
Saul Rodriguez
Police Captain
Santa Monica Police Department
"I am proud and honored to serve as a member of the Salvation Army’s Advisory Board in Santa Monica."
Marie Manvel
City of Santa Monica
"My goal is to help those who can't help themselves."
Troy Westergaard
Chief Content Officer
"I'm serving on the Salvation Army Board to hopefully make Santa Monica a better place to live - for everyone. Amen."